What Kind of Accident Happened in Union Grove?

November 13 , 2020 | Car Accidents

There are many activities that if engaged in while driving can make driving more hazardous and can increase the likelihood of being involved in an accident. Some hazardous driving activities include distracted driving and driving over the speed limit. One extremely hazardous driving behavior is driving while under the influence. Recently, an accident occurred in Union Grove, Wisconsin, that is believed to have involved a driver who was under the influence.

The accident occurred during the early morning hours of November 9, 2020. The accident happened when a driver who was traveling northbound on Vine Street struck a legally parked truck. The driver continued to drive after striking the first vehicle, and then struck another legally parked vehicle. The force of the second collision caused the driver’s vehicle to roll over. Although the vehicle sustained severe damage in the collision, the driver of the vehicle was able to exit through the front passenger window following the vehicle rolling over, and thankfully, the driver was not injured in the accident. When law enforcement officials arrived to the scene of the accident, the driver of the vehicle was speaking with residents that had heard the crash and had come outside. Law enforcement officials observed that the driver was displaying signs of intoxication and performed field sobriety tests. The driver was subsequently arrested for driving while intoxicated.

This accident demonstrates some of the potential risks associated with driving while under the influence. Driving under the influence increases the risk of being involved in an accident as it slows reaction time, impacts judgment and reduces an individual’s ability to concentrate. Because of the devastating impacts a car accident can have, it is of the utmost importance that individuals do not drive when they are under the influence. We can all help to make the roadways safer by practicing safe driving.