There are many behaviors that if engaged in while driving can contribute to the likelihood of being involved in a motor vehicle accident. Some examples of hazardous driving behavior include distracted driving, driving in excess of the speed limit or at a speed that is unsafe for weather conditions, and driving while under the influence. A recent incident on a Wisconsin freeway demonstrates the importance of paying full attention to the roadway while driving.
The incident occurred on Tuesday, October 6, 2020. It happened along Interstate 41 near the City of Fond du Lac. The Wisconsin State Patrol received a call from an individual who was driving along Interstate 41 that there was a kitten along the roadway. The caller was concerned that the kitten may be hit by a vehicle and could cause a hazard to those traveling along the roadway. Wisconsin State Patrol officers responded to the scene after the call and located a kitten playing in the median of the interstate. The officers were able to catch the kitten. After the kitten was captured, the officers transported it to the office. A local kitten rescue has since picked up the kitten.
This incident demonstrates the importance of paying full attention to the roadway while driving. Thanks to the driver’s close attention to the roadway, the driver was able to spot the kitten and inform law enforcement officials. Law enforcement officials were then able to remove the kitten from the roadway, therefore helping to keep both the kitten and drivers on the roadway safer. By paying close attention to what is happening on the roadway, drivers will have a greater opportunity to spot potential hazards and will have more time to react to them. With more reaction time, it is more likely than an accident can be avoided.