What are the signs of Nursing Home Neglect?

April 30 , 2015 | Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse

When placing a loved one in a nursing home we hope for them to receive the best care possible. Sadly there are many cases where the nursing homes fail to give the level of care that loved one deserves which can lead to overlooking and ignoring patient problems which lead to nursing home neglect. Nursing home neglect is one of the main forms of nursing home abuse and it is important that loved ones be aware of the signs of nursing home neglect in order to ensure their loved one is being properly cared for.

Some of the most identifiable signs of nursing home abuse are:

Sudden Weight Loss: Signs of malnutrition and dehydration

Decline in Personal Hygiene: A sign that loved ones are not being groomed and bathed regularly.

Bed Sores: Caused by being seated or reclined in the same position for a long period of time.

Poor Living Conditions: Soiled bedding and clothing, bedbugs, foil smells, ect.

It is important to be aware of the signs of nursing home neglect so that problems can be easily reported and taken care of and to ensure that your loved one is receiving the care they deserve.